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DeLisa Arnold

Office Design Trends

With millennials soon to occupy nearly fifty percent of the workforce, we are seeing many growing trends in workplace design and culture that help companies adapt to the way this new generation of workers get things done. CBRE, a leading provider of property and facility management services, has conducted research that highlights one of these trends taking the market by storm; activity-based environments.

The activity-based office concept increases productivity through collaboration, encouraging the free-flow of ideas and advice between colleagues which helps employees feel more engaged in their work and more a part of their company as a whole. companies are constantly in competition for top talent, and one of the ways to stay competitive is to have a workplace that adapts to many work styles. Imagine a potential employee walking into your office for the first time and seeing everyone in their own closed off confined space. No one is talking; nothing exciting is going on, there is no sense of unique culture that sets your workplace apart from your competitors. Now imagine them walking into an open environment workplace. People are working independently, but seen as a whole. there are spaces for small groups to meet and collaborate, as well as opportunities for advice and sharing of ideas right from their own work stations. One immediately gets the sense of excitement, and there are clear visual clues as to the culture of the office. Activity sells, and this environment is bustling with activity.

Changing technologies have also helped shape workplace trends, allowing workers to be more mobile than ever before - we no longer have to be tethered to a desk and standard computers. Activity-based working environments allow for complete mobility, offering a variety of spaces to work throughout the day. Studies show that the more control an individual has over their environment the less time they need to take to adjust that environment to their needs and comfort, which of course helps them be more productive in their work.

The way we work is changing and your company wants to attract and retain the best of the best. Understanding these trends and how the new generation works is an important part of achieving that goal. Start by testing various strategies, learn from them, and grow your space into an engaging environment that is flexible, inspiring, and adaptable to the ever changing technological advances.

We think these photos represent good examples of the trends mentioned, and we hope thy can inspire

you to implement some changes in your own space. Don't know where to start? call us and we will help by providing expert advice and custom ideas to move your company into the future!

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